Monthly Archives: March 2013


I am grateful for the comments I received. The link to the radio show is not working today.  I made minor changes, but still did not get through. I will work on this and see what I can do to correct the problem.

I believe the Internet is a place to build community, enhance conversations, and create relationships previously impossible. I think it requires a mindful approach, and serial single tasking to do this, but it is doable. There are creative spaces in any community that makes all this possible.

A pause,

A whisper,

A gentle voice,

In that gap–

Mindful response to stimulus.

The gap grows–

A mindfully tended space

Nourished and fed,

Attended, become aware

Sow with care.

Blossoms ready themselves–

Creativity appears at the door

Heartfelt listening

There senses merge into one

Receive that gentle lady.

She is a visitor–

Long awaited;

Not chased after–

In that spaciousness

There creativity wraps me in her arms.

This is great advice from the Lorax one of Dr. Seuss’ characters. We each need to care and that can begin to make all the difference in the world.

Soul Writings

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Thank You, A Simple Word

Yesterday, was a great day. We hung out, but, when I checked email, I found one that made my day. I submitted an article for publication several months ago and received notification yesterday it is going to be published. I am not sure of details such as the when, but, because it is peer-reviewed, it is important for my scholarly journey.

Yesterday, a radio interview I did several months ago as part of a series about servant-leadership, mindfulness, and their potential in education was broadcast. The interview is at Blog Radio. It is long, so do not feel obligated.

Sylvia Chidi wrote this poem about a word I occasionally forget to use, thank you. She described it as “a simple word that feels new.” When I wrote the article, it was a particularly difficult process, but many encouraged me and more will I am sure as I move forward. Kathy was essential to the process. She edits my work, but the article was in such disarray, I had to use a professional editor for the first time. Those advising me kept telling me I needed a softer voice in the article. I was not happy with all that, but the feedback received from the reviewers suggests a softer voice and professional help worked. I am grateful and it moves me along the road.

For all those who have encouraged me and those who are yet to.

Thank you, Thank you
A simple word that still feels new

All I want to hear from you is
Thank you, Thank you
Thank you for been so true
Thank you for kindness
Thank you for your love
Thank you for friendship
Thank you for loyalty
Thank you for humour
Thank you for ideas
Thank you for showing care

All I want to say to you is
Thank you, Thank you
A simple word that still feels new

Thank you for reading my works
Thank you for your encouragement
Thank you for your comments
Thank you for showing excitement
Thank you for your strength
Thank you for your votes
Thank you for influencing my growth
Thank you for been there in the morning
Thank you for been there at night
Thank you for believing in me.

This beautiful poem came into my reader the other day. What gifts and lessons do we receive and accept each day from the love of the Universe?

Iamforchange's Blog

The path of the dark sage

Is not for all

It is a gift for those that heed the call

Those that have fallen and lost it all

Alone in the darkness and the light too

Deep inside they find what is true

Love that dwells inside of you

Dark sage walks the path alone

Turning over every stone

Not to care about a home

All of space and time to roam

The gift the lessons and the prize

Is the love of the Universe

The beautiful ride

Not living in selfish pride

The earth and the heavens

His beautiful bride

As he turns the tattered page

Embracing the gift

The dark sage

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It took me a while to get to reading posts and sharing. This blog showed up a couple of days ago and it carries a powerful message. Two Chilean scientist, Maturana and Varela, postulated love is genetically hard-wired into us and it is necessary for us to survive. Vaclav Havel suggested it begins with me this change we wish for the world. It begins with me within my community.

The House Was Quiet and the World Was Calm

I slowed down since we arrived in Phoenix. I feel like this when I travel to Spokane. It takes a few days, but eventually I move slower, take time to look around, and smell the proverbial roses.

I read Nicholas Carr‘s The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to our Brains and found unexpected inspiration. I chose the book as part of the course and dissertation preparation. Carr used poetry to support some of his ideas. He included Wallace Stevens’ poem about immersing one’s self into reading, the solitude found there, and the world that emerges. The author speaks to me as I find calm and solitude.

People commented on the re-blog, Solitude, about a concern for children and an inability to disconnect from digital technologies. I agree and it is partly what motivates me in my dissertation path. Where I teach and learn, I see readers. It is a pastime supported by many families and embraced by many children. Many families limit technology use and television viewing in their homes. Many students play musical instruments, join choirs, and enjoy the arts. It is a concern, but there are examples of children and families mindfully using technology.

The house was quiet and the world was calm.
The reader became the book; and summer night

Was like the conscious being of the book.
The house was quiet and the world was calm.

The words were spoken as if there was no book,
Except that the reader leaned above the page,

Wanted to lean, wanted much most to be
The scholar to whom his book is true, to whom

The summer night is like a perfection of thought.
The house was quiet because it had to be.

The quiet was part of the meaning, part of the mind:
The access of perfection to the page.

The world was calm. The truth in a calm world,
In which there is no other meaning, itself

Is calm, itself is summer and night, itself
Is the reader leaning late and reading there.

I think more about creativity and what it means. I also wonder when creativity eludes me what that means. I need the time to sit and be quiet. It is in those moments that creativity finds her way back, but I only notice if I am present and fully aware. All my senses act in this welcome return.

Dom DiFrancesco


Trying to break through this void

Where words elude me

She has left my side before

Returning in her own time


~~ Dominic R. DiFrancesco ~~

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The importance of being a good listener and speaker often goes unnoticed. We need to be fully present in both cases to welcome others into our moment and presence. Thank you to Russ at A Grateful Man for re-blogging first and bring this beautiful sentiment from Misifusa to me.

Misifusa's Blog


Speak in such a way that others love to listen to you.

Listen in such a way that others love to speak to you.

I love to feel like I can make a difference in someone else’s day and I love when my day is changed for the better by someone else, don’t you?  I think the central piece that we forget sometimes is that we are all connected and in reconnecting with others through our conversations, it elevates our vibrations and makes for a significant change for the better.  Does this make sense to you?

Hold close in your heart those with whom you speak who lift you up.

I was blessed to spend some quality time with my sister AAngel on Sunday morning.  We shared some coffee time before our households emerged from their sleepy cocoons.  It’s rare that we have any time to ourselves to just connect…

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The Journey

I am not sure what my schedule is like for the rest of the afternoon, so I will post earlier than I normally do. I read quite a bit yesterday and one of the books I finished was by a friend, Deb E. Berg and is called Ja-Mya and the Journey. I taught two members of the Berg family and Deb was a founding member of our small school. Much of the underlying philosophy that led to this group of parents approaching educators with their idea of a different way of imagining a school and children’s learning is reflected in this book.

The book weaves story-telling reminiscent of classics such as The Chronicles of Narnia, Peter Pan, The Wizard of Oz, and many others. The two main characters, Teagen and Andrew, search for life’s meaning as two adolescents who embark on their summer vacation with their uncle. They search for their Heart’s Desire, explore deep and timeless questions adolescents ask, and enter a fourth dimension where time is not as we understand it. They witness two opposing worldviews: one of abundance and stewardship; the other of scarcity and depletion. They learn their greatest strengths are often their greatest weaknesses. The reader embarks on a journey with Teagen and Andrew as they learn about nature, connect to a new world through their imagination, and find wisdom. In a single afternoon, Andrew “fought a war, rode a dragon, wrote and performed a song while learning about my Heart’s desire.”

This book is about finding and integrating the contemporary with the traditional. It is about a real need to see legacy not through the eyes of adults, but through the eyes of children. What world do we choose to leave for them? What is our gift to them?

I leave you with the song Andrew wrote and performed at the end of the book:

Life begins, life ends,

Struggles come and go

What the Journey holds for each

Is something we cannot know.

Friends along the way,

Providing what we need

In companionship and wisdom

With varied type of deed.

One’s Heart’s Desire can only be found

When walking the road of life

No matter what we find it is

The awareness will bring less strife.

Emotion also finds its place

Along the Journey’s way

With welcoming and firm embrace

Wisdom will guide today.

Value, meaning, the hope of life

Shows in the time we take

To listen to a kinder voice

Love’s words to never forsake.

Life begins, life ends,

Struggles come and go

What the Journey holds for each

Is something we cannot know.

I would love to use this book in the form of a novel study or a reading project with junior high students.

This beautiful poem reminded me of Mary Oliver’s poetry. We are asked eloquent questions; questions without answers. Part of the beauty of life is the hole in the whole; the things I cannot answer but enjoy for that very reason. “What was there before there was nothing?” What a beautiful question. I am glad I cannot answer it.