Tag Archives: awards

Blog of the Year Stars 4, 5, and 6

I thank Tiny at Tiny Lessons Blog, Renee at Positive Boomer, and My Pen and Me for providing the last three stars for my blog for “Blog of the Year 2012” award. I am grateful for this generous honour and the people who follow Teacher as Transformer.  It is a reflective, creative, and transformative journey. This is a result of the wonderful blogs I discover along the way, the support I receive from that community, and from the more immediate community of my day-to-day life.

I know I will miss some bloggers who deserve this award and I know others do not accept awards. To the first group, I apologize and, to the second group, I am deeply grateful for your contributions.

The ‘rules’ for this award are simple:

  1. Select another blog or other blogs who deserve the ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award;
  2. Write a blog post and tell us about the blog(s) you have chosen – there’s no minimum or maximum number of blogs required – and ‘present’ them with their award;
  3. Include a link back to this page Blog of the Year 2012’ Award at the Thought Palette and provide these ‘rules’ in your post (please don’t alter the rules or the badges!)
  4. Let the blog(s) you have chosen know that you have given them this award and share the ‘rules’ with them
  5. You can now also join our Facebook group – click ‘like’ on this page ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award Facebook group and then you can share your blog with an even wider audience
  6. As a winner of the award – please add a link back to the blog that presented you with the award – and then proudly display the award on your blog and sidebar … and start collecting stars…

Blog of the Year Award banner 600 Blog of the Year Award banner 600Blog of the Year Award banner 600Blog of the Year Award banner 600

Blog of the Year Award banner 600Blog of the Year Award banner 600

There are stars to collect! Yes, there are stars to collect!

Unlike other awards which you can only add to your blog once – this award is different!

When you begin you will receive the 1 star award, and every time you are given the award by another blog, you can add another star! There are total of 6 stars to collect.

You can check out your favourite blogs, and even if they have already been given the award by someone else, you can still award them again and help them to reach the maximum 6 stars!

For more information check FAQ on The Thought Palette

The blogs I follow are truly an eclectic group, but they share one thing: they each bring joy into my life on a daily basis. Here are the bloggers and their sites I would like to nominate:

Thought Baker


Positive Boomer

Tiny Lessons Blog

My Pen and Me

The Blazing Trail

Cindy Knoke

Nizy’s Life Compendium

The Obamacrat

LaDona’s Music Studio

1 Earth United

The World According to Dina

Lvsrao’s Blog

Pat Wood Blogging

The Future is Papier Mache

Francine in Retirement

Lizzie Joy’s Photo Suite

ABC of Spirit Talk

Lyrics and Sentiments

Poetry Blog of Mine

Lead, Learn, Live

The Arts of Matilda

Free Your Mind

Bela’s Bright Ideas

Wallpaper Tadka

Life Revelation

Heart Flow 2012

Living and Loving

My Own Heart.Me

Justice for Raymond

Waiting for the Karma Truck

Retiree Diary

One Hot Mess

Elisa Ruland

The Other Side of Ugly

The Secret Keeper

4 Writers and Readers

Marsha Lee

More Awards

I received awards over the past week or so. I am quite forgetful sometimes and I apologize for the delay. I apologize in advance because I know I missed someone who is worthy of an award.

I extend gratitude to Mary Clever, Otrazhenie, And Life Smiles, 4 Writers and Readers, and Chef Doru for the Very Inspiring Blog Award.

Very Inspiring Blogger

Chef Doru also awarded the blog The Sunshine Blog Award.


The Rules are:

1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

  1. I coached ice hockey for almost 35 years and some former players made it to the NHL.
  2. My first language, although I don’t use it much anymore, was French.
  3. I am a teacher. My major is Physical Education which surprises few. My minor is French.
  4. I taught kindergarten for two days and believe every kindergarten teacher is a saint.
  5. Kathy and I met in a pub.
  6. I am very lucky to have met Kathy.
  7. My favourite TV show now is the Big Bang Theory. I laugh heartily.

I chose blogs that I have not sent out awards. 15 blogs I follow that I am going to pass this on to are:

A Grateful Man Russ brings some kindness and truth into my life each day.

tuttacronaca I don’t read Italian so am not sure what the text is about, but the pictures are great.

Source of Inspiration There is incredible poetry and images on this site.

Nae’s Nest is from a survivor who shares her story in poetry and images of various forms.

Elena Caravela is an incredible artist with assorted interests and skills.

Ese’s Voice shares thoughts, memories, and adventures.

Jaz shares music and Buddhism

Luggage Lady shares poetry as she reflects on various aspects of life.

On the Plum Tree is an author who is trying a new approach to publishing.

The Essayist is sharing essays about various topics that matter.

Candid Impressions mixes words with pictures and words that bring the two together.

Toe Mail is what it is. You have to visit to fully appreciate the work being done.

Sharmishtha Basu is a great set of sites of various forms of writing and art.

Meiro shares her thoughts of life and music.

The Secret Keeper shares many different writing elements it is impossible categorize the writing, but it is about finding truth.

Blog of the Year – 2012

I thank Nizy at Nizy’s Life Copendium and Cristi at Simple.Interesing for nominating my blog for “Blog of the Year 2012” award. I am grateful for this generous honour and the people who follow Teacher as Transformer.  It has been a reflective, creative, and transformational journey for the blog and this blogger. This is a result of the wonderful blogs I discovered along the way, the support I receive from that community, and from the more immediate community of my day-to-day life.

I know I will miss some bloggers who deserve this award and I know others do not accept awards. To the first group, I apologize and, to the second group, I am deeply grateful for your contributions.

The ‘rules’ for this award are simple:

  1. Select another blog or other blogs who deserve the ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award;
  2. Write a blog post and tell us about the blog(s) you have chosen – there’s no minimum or maximum number of blogs required – and ‘present’ them with their award;
  3. Include a link back to this page ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award at the Thought Palette and provide these ‘rules’ in your post (please don’t alter the rules or the badges!)
  4. Let the blog(s) you have chosen know that you have given them this award and share the ‘rules’ with them
  5. You can now also join our Facebook group – click ‘like’ on this page ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award Facebook group and then you can share your blog with an even wider audience
  6. As a winner of the award – please add a link back to the blog that presented you with the award – and then proudly display the award on your blog and sidebar … and start collecting stars…

This next part I am unsure about, so I hope you will be able to follow better than I did.

There are stars to collect! Yes, there are stars to collect!

Unlike other awards which you can only add to your blog once – this award is different! When you begin you will receive the 1 star award, and every time you are given the award by another blog, you can add another star!

Blog of the Year Award banner 600Blog of the Year Award banner 600Blog of the Year Award banner 600

There are total of 6 stars to collect.

You can check out your favourite blogs, and even if they have already been given the award by someone else, you can still award them again and help them to reach the maximum 6 stars!

For more information check FAQ on The Thought Palette

The blogs I follow are an eclectic group, but they share one thing: they bring joy into my life on a daily basis and I am thankful for that. Here are the bloggers and their sites I would like to nominate:

Poetry Blog of Mine

Francine in Retirement

4 Writers and Readers

Ralphie’s Portal

Lizzie Joy’s Photo Suite

Who is Bert?

My Own Heart.Me

Writing Between the Lines

I Am for Change

Positive Boomer

Waiting for the Karma Truck

Cindy Knoke

Elizabeth’s Ramblings

The Future Is Papier Mâché

Violet Gallery

Lyrics, Sentiments, and Me

Sage Doyle

Living and Loving

Global Grazers

Lvsrao’s Blog

Heart Flow 2012

The Other Side of Ugly

Laurie McDaniel

And Life Smiles

Tiny Lesson’s Blog

That Dude Eddie

Add Grain on Earth

Settled in Heaven

Free Your Mind

Gary Schollmeier

Deep and Wonderful Thoughts

Simply Simple Complexities

Marsha Lee

Russell Ray Photos

Justice for Raymond

Bela’s Bright Ideas

Notes from the Bluegrass

Lead, Learn, Live

What I See, What I Feel, What I’d Like to See…

ABC of Spirit Talk

Leanne Cole Photography

Tracie Louise Photography

One Hot Message

Tea with a Pirate

Practical Practice Managment

Stay human friends. I find great inspiration in all the blogs I visit each day.

Circle of Appreciation

”A great blog is a space where one brings others into their world with thoughts, aspirations, and visions of what is possible. It will transcend time as visitors will join the day, but discover the past of the member of this vibrant community. Digital communities of this nature will be respectful and honest spaces shrinking the world and dissolving boundaries.”


I am grateful to Marsha Lee who streams her thoughts in many ways and helps me navigate the shoals of this new community. She is a writer, innovator, and teacher on her blog.

I acknowledge and invite several bloggers I was fortunate to find as I transformed my blog from an intermittent one without a focus to one with real purpose, I hope. I followed their efforts and recognized a blog is about connecting with me and, when that occurs, I will connect with others. I know a couple do not accept awards, but I wanted to acknowledge and thank them.

I appreciate Melody at Meanwhile, Melody Muses. She is a wonderful poet and photographer. Her inspirational words and imagery convinced me the digital community was about an inner journey of self-discovery on a personal spiritual journey.

A second blogger I appreciate is Mike at Mike’s Look at Life. Mike is a wonderful photographer who occasionally shares poetry. His photography is a journey of the daily life and its past. He reveals the extraordinary in the ordinary; those parts of daily life I often drove by.

I appreciate is Yaz at Free Your Mind. She leaves many uplifting comments about my posts and shares the need to find one’s truth in both the good fortune and tragedy. She reaffirms a need to search and find community in her posts and frequent comments.

I appreciate Carolyn’s posts on ABC of Spirit Talk and frequent journeys to my blog. She reminded me in her words that living my life as my life, rather than someone else’s life, is essential. Her ballroom dancing and her gently worded reflections speak volumes about her spirit.

I appreciate Mimi at Waiting for the Karma Truck. She shares poetry, a love of music, and life experiences. Mimi responds to, as best as I can determine, every comment on her blog. She demonstrated blogs are a place of genuine conversation.

I appreciate David at Lead.Learn.Live. We share some key ingredients-ice hockey is just a place to begin. David shares humour, quotes, and enthusiasm for life. My favourite posts are those at 4:00 AM when David is viewing the world more optimistically lens than I do.

To fully take part in the Līgo Circle of Appreciation:
* Complete this sentence about blogging: ”A great blog is…
* Refer back to the blogger who invited you
* Invite 2 bloggers to join the Līgo Circle of Appreciation on a post

Reality Blog Award

Tiny, from Tiny Lessons Blog nominated my blog for an award called the Reality Blog Award. I am grateful to Tiny. You can decide what you would like to do based on time and other considerations. There are no rules per se. I followed the template that Tiny provided, but each of us can follow our path on this award.

Here is the image for this award:

These are five questions that Tiny passed on and I will answer:

1) If you could change something what would you change?

I would have become a teacher sooner in life.

2) If you could repeat an age, what age would it be?

This is two answers: 20 and 22. The first year was the year Kathy and I met and the second was the year we married.

3) What one thing really scares you?

I handle the loss of those close to me well, but still it is the thing I think that scares me the most.

4) What one dream have you not completed yet and do you think you will be able to complete it.

I would finish my PhD, start a school, and write.

5) If you could be someone else for the day, who would you be?

I would be interested in being Jesus, Buddha, or Mohammed for a day.

I nominated 20 different blogs I visit regularly. They include photography, poetry, prose, opinions, spirituality, etc. They are not the only blogs I visit, but I wanted to acknowledge a new group. I visit them and gain insight from their reality.

This award does not go with any specific “rules”. Instead each nominee can do whatever feels good to them, but I hope they will take the nomination as a sign of appreciation and encouragement.

Dancing on Frozen Beaver Ponds

Real Manure

Francine in Retirement


Violet Gallery


Nolan O’Malley

Lizzie Joy’s Photo Suite

I am Sean

Poetry Blog of Mine

Settled in Heaven

Zew Press


Dr. Bill Wooten

ABC of Spirit Talk

The Arts of Matilda

The Blazing Trail

Authentic Photography

Living the Seasons

Nett Robbens Writer

One Lovely Blog Award

I write about reciprocity in community which I find is just as real, albeit different in the digital world, when I get a chance. I appreciate those who follow, comment, and share their lives in small ways each day. Please take a few minutes and visit the links below.

I am behind acknowledging nominations for One Lovely blog Awards I recently received. I apologize for the way I am doing this, but since returning to school and with other things on my plate time is at a premium.

I would ask those who follow my blog to take a few minutes and check out these wonderful sites. They are great examples of well-done and eclectic blogs. I begin by thanking those who nominated me: Cimplicity Rocks, Mishmash, Nizy’s Life Compendium, and Poetry Blog of Mine.

The rules for the award are straightforward and I believe help us create a virtual community.

1.   Give credit to the awesome person who nominated you.

I take this time to thank these lovely bloggers, Cimplicity Rocks, Mishmash, Nizy’s Life Compendium, and Poetry Blog of Mine, for honouring me with the nominations. It is deeply appreciated and I am grateful for the wonderful examples of the ways social media are used for in today’s world and make it better; one post at a time.

2.   Describe 7 things about yourself.

  • I was born and raised in Western Canada and am a life-long Albertan and British Columbian.
  • My family traces its Canadian genealogy for over 20 generations.
  • The first descendant we traced in my Dad’s family was a master barrel maker and member of the local militia in what is now Quebec City.
  • I coached ice hockey for almost 35 years.
  • Kathy and I met in a bar in Prince George BC.
  • I might be related to Steve Prefontaine who was an American distance runner at the 1972 Olympics. We still do not know what connections there might be.
  • I played goal in hockey which many people say explains my eccentric nature.

3.   Nominate 15 other bloggers.

Katz Ideas (I nominated Kate before, but she only had a few followers. Take a moment and visit her site. It is a wonderful place of poetry and words.)

What I see, what I feel, what I’d like to see… (I know long title, but worth a visit with Todd)

Simple. Interesting (Cristi shares great images and his love of Bon Jovi music)

Deep and Wonderful Thoughts (Lisa shares a wonderful, deeply spiritual view of the world)

New Providence Daily Photo (Josy shares images around her local community in New Jersey

PositiveBoomer (Renée shares quotes, poems, and health advice)

Pieces (Neeraj is a wonderful poet with an occasional and quirky sense of humour

GC Himani (GC contributes to the world by paying forward to our children with inspirational quotes)

The World Through Rum Eyes (The author seeks beauty and shares it through his pictures)

Grandmother Musings (This grandmother shares her little slices of wisdom gleaned in her life)

Tiny Lessons Blog (A multi-faceted person who shares their multi-faceted experiences)

C’est La Vie Annie (Annie shares a life with worth living through words and images)

The Future is Papier Mache (Richard is a photographer and artist who shares life he comes across)

Ooggetuige (Willem shares his photos which is his creative gift)

Watchoot (A site with wonderful pictures and some descriptive text)

Merlin Spielen (Stephen is a playful wizard hence the name of his blog)

Violet Gallery (A gifted artist who shares the gift with us)

The World According to Dina (Dina is a wonderful photographer who shares the northern hemisphere with me)

Rendezvous with Renée (Renée writes in a variety of forms and would love to hear from more of you)

4. Include the blog award image in your post.

There are two of them, so take a pick.

The Booker Award

I compare the world of blogging to living in a small community. We meet each and acknowledge each other. We get to know some people better than others, but recognize something unique in each other.

Mimi from Waiting for the Karma Truck recently honoured me with The Booker Award and I am grateful she recognized me.

I look forward to Mimi’s each day.  She shares various gifts and lessons from life, work, and, family. She provides wisdom drawn from those sources through her blog, public presentations, and writing.

The fun and challenging aspect of this particular award is to list my five favorite books.  Similar to Mimi I can’t do that, but I offer five books which I found compelling at some point. I enjoy reading and this list is sorely incomplete. I read very few fictional books, but that is a product of the doctoral journey I undertook.

The Alchemist – Paolo Coehlo (actually any book by this Brazilian author is a worthy read).

To Kill A Mockingbird – Harper Lee (I cheated and left this on from Mimi’s list, but it was and remains an outstanding social justice reminder).

The Executioners – John D. MacDonald (I read almost anything by this author. This book became Cape Fear, but he is famous for a pulp fiction character Travis McGee).

The Courage to Teach – Parker J. Palmer (I first read Parker Palmer’s Let Your Life Speak before returning to university for my education degree and read this author extensively.

Why I Wake Early – Mary Oliver (I could have included a number of this poet’s books or books by Wendell Berry, Billy Collins, Robert Frost, etc. I love poetry).

I nominate others who I hope can add into our libraries and expand our literary worlds. I tried to expand and move beyond those who received earlier awards from me. I think their blogs are diverse and we will receive a range of new ideas for our ‘cosmic library.’

I tap into the libraries of:

Elizabeth’s Ramblings

Nick Falkner

Thinking is Writing

Thought Baker

The Blazing Trail

Colour the Day

Katz Ideas

Practical Practice Management

Sylver Blaque

Elke Teaches

Illuminating Blog Award

I received an award while we were on the road and took time to consider this one, as there were few rules, but it arrived at an opportune time. The blog recently surpassed 350 followers and has 1400+ likes which is remarkable as most growth occurred over the past 2 months while I rehabbed a weary body and spirit. I rediscovered some creativity and things that feed the spirit through the process. That is attributable to those who follow the blog, like it, and comment on it.

I received the award from Carolyn at ABC of Spirit Talk.

Carolyn has a diverse and award-winning blog with poetry, photographs, her love of nature, and reflects on many aspects of life. I enjoy her posts and look forward to the her surprises each day.

Carolyn indicated there was only one rule and that was to thank the person who nominated me.


She did pass the award on to me so I am passing it to two people. Melody at Meanwhile, Melody Muses is a daily respite for me. I look forward to her poetry and fantastic photography. The subtitle of her blog is:

“God’s not finished with me yet. Until then, I muse.”


The second blog is Mike at Mike’s Look at Life. Mike photographs the ordinary things I often pass daily and reveals their extraordinary nature for me. He shares a wicked sense of humour and his creativity through prose and poetry. The subtitle of his blog is:

“communicating issues around life including horrific loss and overwhelming joy, and many things in between.”

One Lovely Blog Award

David nominated me for the One Lovely Blog Award.

Thank you to David at Lead. Learn. Live for acknowledging my blog. I enjoy his sense of humour and advice he shares.

This morning, when I got in the car The Sound of Sunshine was playing (Michael Franti is a wonderful singer/songwriter) and I felt energized. Just like a good song, I receive a gift each day from blogs I follow.

Here are seven facts about me.

(1) I’m a terrible swimmer (I stole this from David. Swimming is an alternative to drowning for me).

(2) My favourite breakfast as a hockey player was warm beer and cold pizza.

(3) I am a goalie in hockey which explains some of my quirky behaviour.

(4) I watch Simpson reruns and learn something new each time.

(5) Teaching is my second career.

(6) I was a banker in my first career.

(7) Kathy and I met in Prince George BC, but were born in Alberta. We moved to find each other.

I mentioned I struggle with this rule on an earlier post. I follow amazing blogs and feel I am leaving someone out. I nominate the following for One Lovely Blog Award.

To accept the award, the rules are:

  1. Link back to the person who nominated you
  2. Post the award image to your page.  (Here’s the Link)
  3. Tell seven facts about yourself
  4. Nominate 10 other blogs
  5. Let them know they are nominated

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I received a nomination for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award from Ricardo at Film Photography is not Dead.

I am learning about virtual communities and their formation. It is about learning and not predetermined outcomes.

Virtual communities emphasize reciprocal practices which include a sense of trust that someone views and validates our contributions. We measure practices with followers, likes, and regular comments which resemble conversations. Since July 14, 2012, this blog went from 500 to 1000 likes, gained 75 followers, and has daily, running commentary.

We are involved and remained in virtual communities as a result of an ethic of relationship and this makes returning a conscious choice and mindful. Active participation is receiving and giving gifts thus has emotional and personal components.

An aspect of my gratitude is the face-to-face conversations Kathy and I have. She contributes to all the posts in many ways: takes pictures, edits, and questions purpose in a post. I am grateful to her and others who valorize what I am doing each day.

The rules are:

  1. Link back to the person who nominated you
  2. Post the award image to your page
  3. Tell seven facts about yourself
  4. Nominate 15 other blogs
  5. Let them know they are nominated

1. Thank you Ricardo for nominating me, it’s an honour and privilege. Check out his blog called Film Photography is not Dead for insightful ideas about photography and great pictures.


3. 7 facts about me

  1. I love nature.
  2. I am a collector of many things.
  3. I am a very nervous flyer.
  4. I am completing a PhD in Leadership Studies.
  5. I love brewed ice tea.
  6. I listen to the Old Radio Shows.
  7. My favourite fictional genre is westerns.

4. This section is challenging. I follow many blogs and feel guilty each time I do this, because I know I miss some great blogs.

My nominated blogs:

  1. Meanwhile Melody Muses
  2. Mike’s Look at Life
  3. Words/Love
  4. Colour the Day
  5. The Jog
  6. Waiting for the Karma Truck
  7. Nonoy Manga
  8. Brian Gaynor Photography
  9. Seedmind
  10. Fun and Fabulousness
  11. Thinking is Write
  12. Simply Jan
  13. Live. Learn. Lead.
  14. ABC of Spirit Talk
  15. Valerie Davies