Monthly Archives: September 2012

Fall’s Sabbath Song

Snow flurries and seasonal temperatures could arrive next week. Even today, we are about 50 C above seasonal. Fall is a wonderful time with colours changing and signaling nature’s dormancy, a time of rest.

As I walked the river valley, I noticed the smell of decay. It was rich and hastened in the unusual warmth of September, but with shortened days the dampness of dew stayed as well.

I walk slowly

Absorb the valley

It touches me in many ways.

Swaths of colour

Deftly applied

By unseen master artist.

Pungent decay

Fills the air

Feeds the soil.

Leaves gently descend

Listen close

A mere whisper.

Nature’s dormancy too quietly descends

A rest time

Prepare for the next planting.

The Root of Extraordinary

Friday I spend without students, at least for now. There are rumours teaching four core junior high subjects is not enough. Apparently, I don’t need time to plan, mark, complete report cards, and other sundry tasks which keep the classroom humming.

I work hard to stay positive. Sometimes the tendency is to create negative narratives rather than let each moment live itself fully. I find this is hard work, but it grows easier to set aside the dis-ease.

Alone is different

Not loneliness.

In solitude

Gifts of deep silence

The presence of presents

I grow whole

Energize the spirit

Recollect the ordinary in extraordinary–

Not just a root word;

It is the root.

This is a thoughtful post that asks teachers to join their students as learners. We are more than directors. We are participants on the journey.

The Unplanned, yet Orchestrated

I promised as I approached the school year:”I would experience the year and live it to the fullest with the students.” Today, this resolve was tested. Due to illnesses and other situations, the number of students dwindled to a handful. I decided to set lesson plans aside and just went with the flow this afternoon. It was an excellent choice. We enjoyed ourselves.

I used Kerpoof Studio, a site for reluctant writers. Students created stories as short animated films. At times, we were silent; while other times we shared and laughed. They helped each other with new technology and I learned right along with them. We had fun.

As I walked the river valley today, I reflected on the unplanned and the rewards offered in and by those moments.


What is it?

Moments separate;

Yet connected


Yet orchestrated somehow

Beyond understanding.


An unmarked journey

Occasional missteps.

Hope against hope

Can I see around corners?

Over hills?


So, accept faith

Feel, sense, rather than see

A gentle hand

A soft light illuminates each experience;

Each step in life.

Calm in Turbulence

As insight grows,

Clarity emerges

Wisdom revealed.

Enter life’s stream

Accept turbulence

Seek calm waters.

Drop labels

Cease judgment

Fall awake.

A thought for a Wednesday morning. It is what we make of it.

In the Greater Scheme

It was a tiring day. I sat and reminded myself of a time I felt less tired. I took this picture that day.

I sit

I walk.

In the greater scheme

What does it mean?

Sunlight warms face

Gentle breeze cools air.

Fresh morning;

Comfortable afternoon.

Feel one with Nature

Deep roots.

Supported by ground;

Enveloped by all around.

Afresh, like a beginner;

Feel that which was always there.

See the world;

Feel it for the first time.

I find a place;

A place at the table of life.

One Lovely Blog Award

I write about reciprocity in community which I find is just as real, albeit different in the digital world, when I get a chance. I appreciate those who follow, comment, and share their lives in small ways each day. Please take a few minutes and visit the links below.

I am behind acknowledging nominations for One Lovely blog Awards I recently received. I apologize for the way I am doing this, but since returning to school and with other things on my plate time is at a premium.

I would ask those who follow my blog to take a few minutes and check out these wonderful sites. They are great examples of well-done and eclectic blogs. I begin by thanking those who nominated me: Cimplicity Rocks, Mishmash, Nizy’s Life Compendium, and Poetry Blog of Mine.

The rules for the award are straightforward and I believe help us create a virtual community.

1.   Give credit to the awesome person who nominated you.

I take this time to thank these lovely bloggers, Cimplicity Rocks, Mishmash, Nizy’s Life Compendium, and Poetry Blog of Mine, for honouring me with the nominations. It is deeply appreciated and I am grateful for the wonderful examples of the ways social media are used for in today’s world and make it better; one post at a time.

2.   Describe 7 things about yourself.

  • I was born and raised in Western Canada and am a life-long Albertan and British Columbian.
  • My family traces its Canadian genealogy for over 20 generations.
  • The first descendant we traced in my Dad’s family was a master barrel maker and member of the local militia in what is now Quebec City.
  • I coached ice hockey for almost 35 years.
  • Kathy and I met in a bar in Prince George BC.
  • I might be related to Steve Prefontaine who was an American distance runner at the 1972 Olympics. We still do not know what connections there might be.
  • I played goal in hockey which many people say explains my eccentric nature.

3.   Nominate 15 other bloggers.

Katz Ideas (I nominated Kate before, but she only had a few followers. Take a moment and visit her site. It is a wonderful place of poetry and words.)

What I see, what I feel, what I’d like to see… (I know long title, but worth a visit with Todd)

Simple. Interesting (Cristi shares great images and his love of Bon Jovi music)

Deep and Wonderful Thoughts (Lisa shares a wonderful, deeply spiritual view of the world)

New Providence Daily Photo (Josy shares images around her local community in New Jersey

PositiveBoomer (Renée shares quotes, poems, and health advice)

Pieces (Neeraj is a wonderful poet with an occasional and quirky sense of humour

GC Himani (GC contributes to the world by paying forward to our children with inspirational quotes)

The World Through Rum Eyes (The author seeks beauty and shares it through his pictures)

Grandmother Musings (This grandmother shares her little slices of wisdom gleaned in her life)

Tiny Lessons Blog (A multi-faceted person who shares their multi-faceted experiences)

C’est La Vie Annie (Annie shares a life with worth living through words and images)

The Future is Papier Mache (Richard is a photographer and artist who shares life he comes across)

Ooggetuige (Willem shares his photos which is his creative gift)

Watchoot (A site with wonderful pictures and some descriptive text)

Merlin Spielen (Stephen is a playful wizard hence the name of his blog)

Violet Gallery (A gifted artist who shares the gift with us)

The World According to Dina (Dina is a wonderful photographer who shares the northern hemisphere with me)

Rendezvous with Renée (Renée writes in a variety of forms and would love to hear from more of you)

4. Include the blog award image in your post.

There are two of them, so take a pick.

Silence, Solitude, Sabbath

I head into my Sabbath – I disconnect to reconnect. Last weekend we spent time in silence and in that space solitude appeared. I enjoyed a good week in a place I often struggle to find peace of mind. Besides the retreat, it was made easier as I participate in a wonderful group on a monthly conference call and we met this week. I also interviewed for a radio show about mindful servant-leadership. This was an incredible experience and will share a schedule, when it is available, for those who are interested in listening to it.

I can only say the peace I felt this week was a result of the silence and solitude at the retreat. This and sharing that experience with Kathy was a great time.

Spacious silence and solitude…

Within you I sought refuge

Peaceful and compassionate place.

There lovingkindness discovered me

The heart breaks open

Each moment its reward.

Silently the spirit reveals itself

Able to speak

Softly, gently, tenderly,

Begs for its quiet voice to be heard.

Solace finds me

An unmarked path emerges

One step at a time.

At week’s end

Gratitude for wisdom revealed

For week’s beginning.

A Half a Dragonfly Is Better than None

I took this picture with my PDA at the retreat last weekend on one of my walks. This picture turned out better than the one I deleted. I took that one of the sidewalk. I had trouble with the sun over my shoulder; pretty good excuse. Initially, I was disappointed because this dragonfly posed and was cooperative, but, in retrospect, the title says it all.

The retreat was a great experience. I reminded my self that it is OK to be imperfect. I am human with that. The dragonfly showed up and shared a quiet moment with me and for that I am grateful.


He lit down oh so gently

He posed oh so perfectly.

I heard him say;

I really did!

“Take my picture please

My time almost done

This serves as my memorial.”

I took his picture

He stood so still

Posed gratefully.

Once done, he took his leave

Both our jobs nearly done.