Monthly Archives: January 2017

* My Words for 2017

It will be a time of change. Life is unfolding along an unexpected and uneasy path, with so much outside of our control. When moving into the unknown, it is helpful to sit and pause and listen to o…

Source: * My Words for 2017

Be ready to be fierce.

Be ready to be kind.

Those words sound paradoxical, but to be kind one has to be fierce in our kindness to others. We must want to be kind in the way others have set an example for us.

It is like being radical, which takes us back to our roots. In French, roots is racine and it connected to being radical. If our roots are strong and give us strength to act and speak out against the wrongs others do to the world and people, we can stand and shelter those who need it.

Kahlil Gibran

In this little treasure of a book I found yesterday, is a quote .. I had not seen this one before from one of Kahlil Gibran’s writings;. You pray in your distress and in your need;  would tha…

Source: Kahlil Gibran

This is a wonderful quote from Kahlil Gibran. We should make it a daily practice to pray whether it is in a time of need or not. When we pray, it can be a thankful and mindful practice that acknowledges the good that comes into our lives.