Monthly Archives: June 2014

A Soft Place to Fall

Rumi always provides wise words. When we open our self, we become vulnerable and we live with the thorns which come with living.

The Hurt Healer

Amanda Cass Amanda Cass

‘I will soothe you and heal you,
I will bring you roses.
I too have been covered with thorns.’  Rumi

Life can be wonderful yet sometimes it can simply be tough. Whether it’s a broken heart, a damaged relationship, work problems, an unexpected illness or a disease that you’ve been battling with for years, there are times when everyone needs a soft place to fall.

As a mother, it’s something that I accept without question for my children.  If they hurt themselves, if they fall-out with a friend, if they didn’t do as well as they had hoped in exam – I’m there to hug, hold and soothe. Then later when we have more time I can reassure them they are not alone and encourage them to put the difficulty behind them and move on.

I do it without hesitation and for as long as required, for the knowledge that…

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I read Emmanuel Levinas today. He suggested we experience phenomena in sensual immediacy. There is no recapturing the full essence in words. Humans are blessed with words which transform what we experience into something less or something other than its essence.

I attended a meeting the other night and another person commented when we name something it creates a permanency and assumes characteristics according to categories. In a way, the experience become inert.

Dana Gioia points out words’ shortcomings. This is not positive or negative, but is about awareness. When entering into each moment, it is important to fully experience that very moment which is indescribable. The world is filled with wonder and is thus wonderful. We recall that nature, living and non-living, needs no verbal praise. Our relationships and living in the world we co-inhabit are praise the praise. We need not summon airy words, but can sink into the living world’s sensuality. Sabbath provides opportunities for silence, deeper exploring, and the praise we offer without words.

The world does not need words. It articulates itself
in sunlight, leaves, and shadows. The stones on the path
are no less real for lying uncatalogued and uncounted.
The fluent leaves speak only the dialect of pure being.
The kiss is still fully itself though no words were spoken.

And one word transforms it into something less or other—
illicit, chaste, perfunctory, conjugal, covert.
Even calling it a kiss betrays the fluster of hands
glancing the skin or gripping a shoulder, the slow
arching of neck or knee, the silent touching of tongues.

Yet the stones remain less real to those who cannot
name them, or read the mute syllables graven in silica.
To see a red stone is less than seeing it as jasper—
metamorphic quartz, cousin to the flint the Kiowa
carved as arrowheads. To name is to know and remember.

The sunlight needs no praise piercing the rainclouds,
painting the rocks and leaves with light, then dissolving
each lucent droplet back into the clouds that engendered it.
The daylight needs no praise, and so we praise it always—
greater than ourselves and all the airy words we summon.


Lojong Slogan 28 ~ Abandon any hope of fruition

Meditation and mindfulness are excellent practices allowing us to let go increasing awareness on what is in front of us, being present. We listen more closely to people, to the universe, and our self when we are present. By letting go, there is space for listening which cannot exist when our mind is full and cluttered, mirroring the busyness of the world.

* Inspiration for Today – Choose The Present Moment

Being in the present is challenging, but it is also rewarding. Being present allows awareness that the world and all phenomena are transient. Positive and negative only exist in thinking. Being present allows letting go. Being present is also about being aware of who and what is present to us.

Find Your Middle Ground

presetn moment

“Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.”

Eckhart Tolle

Lets bring this into our awareness today and embrace everything that we experience in the highs and lows of our  lives.

At the end of the day, pause and reflect on what you discovered …



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The universe we live in is magical. As Tere Sievers pointed out, nature arranges itself with slight of hand. A caterpillar slowly becomes a monarch butterfly. The caterpillar transforms from something we usually pay little attention to. In fact, we often see it as something that strips the last green leaf, but somehow nature keeps in balance in the caterpillar`s metamorphosis.

The striped suit fat worm takes a two-week nap and emerges bedecked in the ballroom gown of the monarch butterfly ready to begin its dance. When we take time and are mindful of the relationships that exist in nature, even those we do not sense immediately, there is something sacred in that process. Humans join in those relationships even when we do not see them. There is a co-dependency shared, yet not fully sensed. We live in community and communicate with all nature’s phenomena.

Black antennas twitch

as the caterpillar

strips the last green leaf

from the naked milkweed.

Striped flesh shed,

the green skin below

becomes a jade pendant

rimmed with gold,

hung by a black thread.

Nature, that green magician,

arranges a slight of hand.

The fat worm in a striped suit

slides into its chrysalis

naps for a fortnight


draped in orange,

ready to dance.

You Are Not Your Mind

Humans possess the unique skill of being able to think about their thinking. We can meditate and make sense of what we have done, what we are doing, and what we plan to do. It is important in the process that we become aware of the fictional pasts and fantastic futures, but it is a wonderful ability to be able to do those things.

Experience it…

This wonderful quote from Alan Watts summarizes life. It is something we move into. The quote reminded me of the Rilke quote where we live into the questions. It is not about answering questions, but about living life and finding the questions. Better yet, letting the questions find us.

Known is a drop, Unknown is an Ocean

natureLife is not a problem to be solved, nor a question to be answered. Life is a mystery to be experienced.

~ Alan Watts

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I missed posting Saturday. I went to Calgary for the weekend and left my laptop at home.It was a busy weekend and trying to post under the conditions that existed would have added to the busyness. In a sense, I had a two-day sabbath with time away from the computer.

In retrospect, this poem is about looking for home during sabbath time. It is a place where I am with my self, people I am close to, and things that are important in life. It is a journey back to my roots looking for my whoness and whatness that makes me who and what I am.

On the weekend, people talked about the why and how of life a lot. I consider the why circular suggesting there is an answer to questions about who and what we are. How is a question about constructing something and does not speak to how we are always being and becoming. It is in quiet moments even when we wander, retreat, and get lost that we tap into our essence which is our isness, our whoness and whatness. William Stafford wrote elsewhere about just standing still and listening which is what we have to do to find ourselves.

Sometimes in the open you look up
where birds go by, or just nothing,
and wait. A dim feeling comes
you were like this once, there was air,
and quiet; it was by a lake, or
maybe a river you were alert
as an otter and were suddenly born
like the evening star into wide
still worlds like this one you have found
again, for a moment, in the open.

Something is being told in the woods: aisles of
shadow lead away; a branch waves;
a pencil of sunlight slowly travels its
path. A withheld presence almost
speaks, but then retreats, rustles
a patch of brush. You can feel
the centuries ripple generations
of wandering, discovering, being lost
and found, eating, dying, being born.
A walk through the forest strokes your fur,
the fur you no longer have. And your gaze
down a forest aisle is a strange, long
plunge, dark eyes looking for home.
For delicious minutes you can feel your whiskers
wider than your mind, away out over everything.

Jesus is a very disruptive influence: a sermon on Matthew 10:34

We need disruption in our lives. Many of the great historical voices belonged to disruptors i.e. Jesus, the Buddha, Joan of Arc, Mohammed, etc. They chose to speak in ways that shook up the status quo which is always dangerous. Despite the dangers, when we accept disruption, we can look at ourselves in the mirror in a different way.

Grits and Grains

Notes for a sermon for Ashton Hayes for June 22nd 2014

Fresco in the "Visoci Decani" in  Kosovo Fresco in the “Visoci Decani” in Kosovo

Text: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth: I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” (Matthew 10:34)

Teachers are busy writing school reports. Here’s Jesus’ report from the autumn term:

  • Resistant materials – A – excellent in woodwork section, and obviously well supported by the help and stimulation he gets at home.
  • Maths – F – Lacks basics. Keeps muttering about “Three in One” and “I and the Father are one”.
  • Graphic communications – D – Prefers to draw with a stick in the sand than to use pencil and paper.
  • Physical Education – D- Jesus has been a troublemaker. He refuses instruction in swimming, and is surprised that he sinks when he tries to walk on the water.
  • Overall – it saddens…

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My Declaration Of Independence.

Although written from an artist’s perspective, this post has deep meaning for living life. We are each special and unique and cannot be summarized in any way other than who we are as that person.

The BeZine

I am not governed by a foreign power; I am self-governed.
I am as free as I can be from the control of others.
I am influenced by love and beauty, kindness and compassion, yearning and striving.
I am self-reliant – an independent mind that cannot be reigned in, repressed or shape-shifted to please the status quo.
I do not depend on someone else to decide whether or not, I can express my voice in the world.
I am not determined by fashion – not the next J.K. Rowling – not trying to write the next Fifty One Shades Of Lighter Grey.
I am not determined by the outcome of statistics or the result of a study, or the promise of a guaranteed 5,000 advance sales.
I will not be watered down, nor have my chocolate sweetened.
I am cocoa, Marmite, chilli and garlic ~ an Independent Artist, Writer or Publisher who creates…

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