Prayer of St. Francis

Kathy and I celebrate our anniversary today and this was a reading at our wedding. When I heard the organ, I stood, literally shaking I was so nervous. I turned, looked at Kathy and her Dad, and stopped shaking. What was meant to be was meant to be.

Regardless of one’s relationship with others, intimate or distant, these words guide how we accept the Other, as Emmanuel Levinas said. This way lifts the Other to a human subject in an I-Thou relationship, rather than as an object and it. I hope they continue to guide me as we move forward.

Lord make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is darkness, light.
And where there is sadness, joy.

O divine master grant that I may
Not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love
For it is in giving that we receive-
And it’s in pardoning that we are pardoned.
And it’s in dying that we are born to eternal life.

This is a You Tube video by Sarah McLachlan of the song.

About ivonprefontaine

In keeping with bell hooks and Noam Chomsky, I consider myself a public and dissident intellectual. Part of my work is to move beyond (transcend) institutional dogmas that bind me to defend freedom, raising my voice to be heard on behalf of those who seek equity and justice in all their forms. I completed my PhD in Philosophy of Leadership Studies at Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. My dissertation and research was how teachers experience becoming teachers and their role as leaders. I focus on leading, communicating, and innovating in organizations. This includes mindfuful servant-leadership, World Cafe events, Appreciative Inquiry, and expressing one's self through creativity. I offer retreats, workshops, and presentations that can be tailored to your organzations specific needs. I published peer reviewed articles about schools as learning organizations, currere as an ethical pursuit, and hope as an essential element of adult eductaion. I published three poems and am currently preparing my poetry to publish as an anthology of poetry. I present on mindful leadership, servant leadership, schools as learning organizations, how teachers experience becoming teachers, assessement, and critical thinking. I facilitate mindfulness, hospitality retreats. and World Cafe Events using Appreciative Inquiry. I am writing and researching about various forms of leadership, how teachers inform and form their identity as a particular teacher, schools as learning organizations, hope and its anticipatory relationship with the future, and hope as an essential element in learning.

32 responses »

  1. Happy Anniversary to you and Kathy! What a beautiful prayer.

  2. Happy anniversary! I love this prayer. Definitely words to live by!

  3. Wishing you both a very happy anniversary.

  4. Beautiful. Happy Anniversary.

  5. Happy Anniversary to you both.
    This is a most beautiful prayer.

  6. A beautiful offering! Happy Anniversary 💐

  7. Happy anniversary!

  8. Happy Anniversary. This prayer should be hanging in your house and in mine. Love the song!

    • Thank you. We have it in two forms in our house. Kathy used an image of it to put in our digital frame in the kitchen area and we have a plaque my mom gave to us many years ago in our bedroom.

  9. Beautiful, Ivon. I hope you had a wonderful anniversary.

  10. Such a lovely way to celebrate, Ivon and Cathy… HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!


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