Daily Archives: October 9, 2014

an ordinary day

an ordinary day.

Bert offers insight into the paradox we live with “the experiencer is the experience(d). While we are experiencing life, others, and the world, we are being experienced by life, others, and the world. We leave our imprint as we are imprinted in these mutual and reciprocal experiences.

Is it an ordinary day? More likely it is an extra-ordinary day. The extra is when we are able to experience each moment as it is, the present and transient now. Each experience is fluid and never returns fully even in retrospect. It becomes part of fictional person we are. Fictional and myth are parts of the reality we live, another paradox. Who we are is a character continuously being written and edited in the living and experiencing we encounter.

Lingering in happiness

Mary Oliver is one of my favourite poets and I try not to miss too many opportunities to share her work. She has such a way of revealing the extra-ordinary in ordinary events. Those events have deeper meaning that sometimes escapes our view when we do not ask questions that allow us to dig deeper.

Dr Bill Wooten

“After rain after many days without rain,
it stays cool, private and cleansed, under the trees,
and the dampness there, married now to gravity,
falls branch to branch, leaf to leaf, down to the ground
where it will disappear — but not, of course, vanish
except to our eyes. The roots of the oaks will have their share,
and the white threads of the grasses, and the cushion of moss;
a few drops, round as pearls, will enter the mole’s tunnel;
and soon so many small stones, buried for a thousand years,
will feel themselves being touched.”

~ Mary Oliver


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