Daily Archives: April 29, 2015

Mr Happy Man

Sometimes the words and questions of children are the most profound. One of the memories I have was asking my mom if God would prevent good people who were not Catholic from getting into Heaven and not-so-good people who were Catholic a way to get to Heaven. She said she was pretty sure that God had a way to reward all good people and get them to Heaven. When I told my mom about that about 10 years ago, she remembered it as well and was surprised I remembered as I was a pre-schooler.


John Lennon - Happiness Quote - 07.


I’ve had this video listed in my bookmarks for ages, I thought it was about time I posted it! I’ve never met anyone so full of happiness like Johnny Barnes or have ever felt that kind of happiness myself, but I absolutely admire the man for being true to himself, and living out whatever comes naturally to him.  He’s clearly an inspiration and has a wonderful effect on his neighbourhood – what a lovely sweet man, and what dedication! ♥


What Happiness Is To Me

Happiness_by_CogitusI completely agree with John Lennon’s statement about happiness, I felt like that too. 

I wouldn’t call myself a happy smiley person, those big smiles I used to give for family photos in childhood were just because I was a good smiler!

I’m convinced the interpretation of happiness is very much down to each individual person as to what it means to…

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