Daily Archives: November 26, 2012

Here is a good, yet simple set of instructions to be thankful each day.

Mike Saporito

Thanksgiving is a holiday like no other – the food, the football, the family and friends. It’s a time to unwind, reconnect, and give thanks.

But according to a survey conducted by the John Templeton Foundation, don’t expect to hear many “thank you’s” at the office. As reported in the Wall Street Journal, only 10% of adults say “thank you” to their colleagues everyday. Ouch.

While I’m surprised by this statistic, I’m not shocked. Here is the good news though: there’s a major opportunity to build a culture of appreciation on your team or in your office. And it begins with you.

When You Give You Get

When you express gratitude, you acknowledge the benefit you’ve received from another person or a situation. You show humility by recognizing you’re not the sole source of your fortune.

The field of positive psychology continues to unpackage the science of…

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