Daily Archives: August 2, 2013

Heaven and earth

We only need to be present to witness the extraordinary in the ordinary. This beautiful poem is a reminder of the need for presence in the world so we can be closer to heaven.

Rosalie Squires

sky 2

In special places,
So they say,
The veil,
Is very thin
That separates
Our world
From heaven.

Maybe so,
I cannot say,
But this is
What I see:
That veil
Is like a cloudy sky
Ever shifting
Over me.

A gap
The sun
Breaks through.
Then heaven
Is very close
To me.

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Framing the Unknown

I am back. We did not have the time this year on road home to spend down time as we traveled through Glacier National Park and around it in four days. We got some great shots and I survived Logan’s Pass. Each moment brings the unknown. The picture and question are great reminders there is much in the moment and under its surface.