Daily Archives: September 23, 2013

A message from the Universe

This is a wonderful blog with many pictures of what life and the world could be about. It begins with a Rumi quote which calls us each to see the extraordinary in the ordinary. It is all around us.

Cauldrons and Cupcakes

“But listen to me. For one moment
quit being sad. Hear blessings
dropping their blossoms
around you.” 
~ Rumi

As I was sitting in meditation this morning, thinking about you and how I could best be of service today, I realised that there was something you needed to hear right now. So let me bring these messages to you, direct from the Universe. You’ll know which part of the message is for you. It’s the one that stands out, the one that moves you, the one that answers the question on your lips.

You are enough.

Someone will want what you have. Be brave and put yourself out there.


Your ideas are needed in the world. Speak up.

You deserve a loving, faithful and nurturing relationship.

From small beginnings great things can grow. Get started. Have faith in your vision.

So much love is pouring forth from the Heavens for you…

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