Daily Archives: October 6, 2012


We are in the midst of Canadian Thanksgiving weekend and honouring Sabbath holds more meaning although maybe it should not. What if I were grateful and thankful each day-each moment?

Gratitude and thankfulness

Celebrate each moment

Turn to beloved others

Hold tight

Recognize worth

Share sacred

Moment by moment

Recognize extraordinary

Revealed in ordinary

What I take for granted

It is there

In each moment.

The rich bounty

Feel blessed.

That is Kathy standing on a rock right above Rearguard Falls on the Fraser River in Mount Robson Provincial Park. Two things I am grateful for.

During the autumn season we are experiencing, this beautiful picture and the accompanying words carry much weight in their message.



tears splash through silence

dear waxing Moon drizzled peace

fusing solitude

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Life’s Mission

Today was professional development day. The inconsistencies revealed in these exercises fascinate me. They are uninspiring, exhausting, and annoying. Frequently, I find these events are counterproductive. What they lack is personal choice. Yet, on my way home, I thought, “Am I seeing this the right way? What can I do to further the process of learning as a role model for students and other adults?” Learning is relational process between people and subject. We live in the world we learn. The world we create is lived out in and through these relationships.

My mission in life seems to have been one of a life-long learner. We sacrificed, as a family, and I obtained a B. Ed. When I felt that was insufficient, we doubled-down and I completed a Master of Education. Today, we have tripled-down and I am completing a PhD. I love learning and, when I am given choice, I believe, like many others in the profession, I make good choices. My learning is not mine. It belongs, in some ways, to those who contributed in many ways to keep the dream alive.

Live fully

Share fully

Learn one’s voice

Sing life’s song.

Whet my curiosity

Recognize gaps in wisdom

Attempt to fill

Best I can.

In each sense

Plant seeds of wonder

Water and feed

Grow rich with the wisdom.

Learn truths

Each moment contains

Be in relationship with the world

With others.