Falling In Mutual Weirdness

We are on the road today, but Russ posted this yesterday and I enjoy a good Dr. Seuss quote. They get my engine stoked for the day and I am a little weird. We should all be weird and fall in love with our weirdness.

Russ Towne's A Grateful Man

548900_658041784213094_1253480793_n (John Edwards Photo)



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About ivonprefontaine

In keeping with bell hooks and Noam Chomsky, I consider myself a public and dissident intellectual. Part of my work is to move beyond (transcend) institutional dogmas that bind me to defend freedom, raising my voice to be heard on behalf of those who seek equity and justice in all their forms. I completed my PhD in Philosophy of Leadership Studies at Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. My dissertation and research was how teachers experience becoming teachers and their role as leaders. I focus on leading, communicating, and innovating in organizations. This includes mindfuful servant-leadership, World Cafe events, Appreciative Inquiry, and expressing one's self through creativity. I offer retreats, workshops, and presentations that can be tailored to your organzations specific needs. I published peer reviewed articles about schools as learning organizations, currere as an ethical pursuit, and hope as an essential element of adult eductaion. I published three poems and am currently preparing my poetry to publish as an anthology of poetry. I present on mindful leadership, servant leadership, schools as learning organizations, how teachers experience becoming teachers, assessement, and critical thinking. I facilitate mindfulness, hospitality retreats. and World Cafe Events using Appreciative Inquiry. I am writing and researching about various forms of leadership, how teachers inform and form their identity as a particular teacher, schools as learning organizations, hope and its anticipatory relationship with the future, and hope as an essential element in learning.

19 responses »

  1. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Drive carefully my friend, when you stoke your engine watch out for speed traps. 🙂 and remember if you give everything else away, always keep your sense of humor. Also as my elders always said “Once a teacher, always a teacher”! God Bless!

  3. Thoughts from Ruth and Ray: Mutual Weirdness is a great thing. Have a restful weekend.

  4. Thanks for liking my most recent musing.

    I am Seuss-nik. He grew up in “The House on Mulberry Street”, directly behind my high school. He was a straight ‘C’ student through high school (I’ve witnessed the records) ~ which keeps me laughing through the years I’ve raised my own and their friends in my home. It was the ’30s. Creatives have always been stifled within the institutions.

    • Bureaucrats do not like creatives, but the world does. Thank you for stopping and commenting Moira. I look forward to following your blog about the enigmas of life and its stories.

      Take care.

  5. victoriaaphotography

    Don’t know about weird, but I have been called Eccentric in my time.
    Is that along similar lines?

  6. Thank you for spreading the word about weirdness, My friend. It’ll be a better world when being wonderfully weird is an acceptable way of life. ;-D!

  7. So true- our weirdness and our normal self is what makes us whole- after all aren’t we not in the pursuit of wholeness- ???

  8. Sending photos from my son’s program graduation banquet through cyber-space this morning. Talk about some bliss in individualized intentions ! It’s been a long and rewarding trip with his new IB program for five years. So proud of these kids who made it through. Eloquent speakers, funny, dedicated, fabulously inquisitive.

    To educators, everywhere, a toast to your efforts.

  9. A little weird – yes, I’ll go with that. It’s this determination to be thought ‘normal’ that annoys me. So unimaginative. And what is normal anyway?
    Mildly eccentric, I think is probabably my favourite but a little weird is fine.


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