A Real Christmas Gift

I struggled to get the words together. I find I forget the message of this time of the year. Jesus was marginalized at birth, but I can imagine the regal presence and bearing of his parents. He was devoted to those in need. I think of Jesus as rebel as he helped the marginalized. He disagreed with political and religious leaders of the time and sought out those on the margins; those in the most need.

Along a dusty road–

A carpenter strode,

The expectant mother rode,

A donkey her only transport

Her regal carriage–

Back straight, head high

Refuge sought–

Turned away countless times.


He arrived humbly

Born in a stable,

Cradled in a manger,

Welcomed by beasts,

Royal gifts showered upon us–

Without cost;


He only asks, “Can you open your heart?”

He returns each year–

Lights our way,

A source of strength,

Humbly receive gifts,

Restock spirits,

Replenish the soul.

About ivonprefontaine

In keeping with bell hooks and Noam Chomsky, I consider myself a public and dissident intellectual. Part of my work is to move beyond (transcend) institutional dogmas that bind me to defend freedom, raising my voice to be heard on behalf of those who seek equity and justice in all their forms. I completed my PhD in Philosophy of Leadership Studies at Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. My dissertation and research was how teachers experience becoming teachers and their role as leaders. I focus on leading, communicating, and innovating in organizations. This includes mindfuful servant-leadership, World Cafe events, Appreciative Inquiry, and expressing one's self through creativity. I offer retreats, workshops, and presentations that can be tailored to your organzations specific needs. I published peer reviewed articles about schools as learning organizations, currere as an ethical pursuit, and hope as an essential element of adult eductaion. I published three poems and am currently preparing my poetry to publish as an anthology of poetry. I present on mindful leadership, servant leadership, schools as learning organizations, how teachers experience becoming teachers, assessement, and critical thinking. I facilitate mindfulness, hospitality retreats. and World Cafe Events using Appreciative Inquiry. I am writing and researching about various forms of leadership, how teachers inform and form their identity as a particular teacher, schools as learning organizations, hope and its anticipatory relationship with the future, and hope as an essential element in learning.

34 responses »

  1. I LOVE this!

  2. Reblogged this on One Hot Mess(age) and commented:
    Gorgeous—perfect! Thanks, Ivon!

  3. I agree and love thinking about Jesus as a rebel. When we use that term today in American culture, Jesus is not the first person/concept that comes to mind.

  4. Beautiful, simple, elegantly put.

  5. Thank you for sharing such a Beautiful tribute to Our Lord.

  6. awesomeness abundantly exhibited with this one…reblog to gods grace

  7. doesn’t seem to want me to reblog will come back and try later..

  8. Gut geschrieben.
    Einen guten Tag. Wolfgang

  9. I feel it important to see the prophets in an ordinary human way. I love the way you see Jesus, because it makes being spiritual and loving achievable. Thank you for this lovely poem Ivon.

  10. HI. I have nominated you for the Blog of the Year 2012. Please visit my blog for the rules. Renee 🙂 http://www.positiveboomer.net

  11. I liked this!

    And thanks for liking my short story ‘Restraints’ I have written a new one, Christmas related! For my class at college, it would be great if you could check this one out too! http://amylturk.wordpress.com/2012/12/13/a-christmas-date/

  12. I will send this beautiful tribute to Jesus, to my best friend. Thank you, Ivy, for meaningful words.


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